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Apprecihated World


The Literary Battle of Britain


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The Führer-Shine






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The Author

and his British Conscience


Always bright.jpg


We can do anything. Except speak English.



Rainer Triller was born and educated in Germany. In 1974 he spent a year in England improving his English. He worked for an electrical contractor in the Bedfordshire area and was interested in English literature and society in his spare time. Back in Germany he pursued his new interests concluding his courses in electrical engineering. He subsequently commenced a new course in social studies and general education.


In 1979 Rainer Triller started studying English, History and Social Sciences at the universities of Bielefeld, Paderborn, Coventry and Nottingham. During and after his studies he spent much time with his English friends in Bedfordshire picking up a lot of the British sense of humour and gaining a deeper insight into the idiosyncrasies of the traditional way of British life. During 1981/82 while studying in Coventry and Nottingham Rainer Triller took the opportunity to travel to many regions, towns and historic sites in Britain. He regularly watched the plays of the Royal Shakespeare Company at Stratford-on-Avon and started preparatory work for his thesis on the unity of Shakespeare’s popular play "The Merchant of Venice" adding some original viewpoints to the discussion of this complex play.



In 1984/85 Rainer Triller spent an eventful year in London teaching German at the City and East London College. He thoroughly enjoyed the life of Britain's great metropolis roaming through its streets, squares and alleys, chatting leisurely to people in the pubs and visiting the museums, theatres and opera houses. He listened attentively to the rather astute verdicts of senior citizens in and outside the Old Bailey, frequently attended the constitutionally controlled slanging matches at question time in the House of Commons and occasionally absorbed the splendid and more peaceful atmosphere of the House of Lords. 1984/85 also was the year of the British Miners' Strike to prevent the closures of collieries. Ever since that time Rainer Triller has taken an interest in the social developments of the former British mining regions.



From 1988 to 1992 Rainer Triller  taught  English,  History  and  Civics  in what was then West Germany's homely capital of Bonn trying to come to terms with the harsh realities of everyday school life. 



Between 1992 and 1997 he commuted to the historic German border town of Aachen to teach at what seemed to be a typical German comprehensive.  Spending half his week in rather monastic rented accommodation and lacking the comforts of his own home in Bonn Rainer Triller started to fill the long eventless evenings  by occupying his mind with painting illustrations for a  friend's CD as well as writing poems and satirical stories in English, thus partly counterbalancing his strenuous yet intellectually undemanding work at school. Many of his ideas were thought up in the cafés of the neighbouring Dutch town of Maastricht and the Belgian town of Liège, which he frequently visited with a sympathetic colleague to recover from the daily turbulence of teaching.



Rainer Triller  now  lives  in  Bonn.  For many years he was a board member of the Oxford Club Bonn www.oxford-club-bonn.de, where  he  first introduced  his satirical stories and  poems,  which were  warmly received by British and German audiences. Encouraged by this success he published a book called Apprecihated World in December 1997.  This  book   not  only  includes satirical  stories  like ‘The British Revolution’ and ‘Dangerous Passage to the Continent’,  but also a variety of entertaining poems, some of which have been set to music  by his friend and composer Uwe Gronau and were released on CD. Since the publication of his first book Rainer Triller has written and published more poems and stories focusing on life’s shortcomings as well as on Anglo-European / German relations.  


Rainer Triller’s latest books in English are called The Literary Battle of Britain and The Führer-Shine. The author describes his modest last volumes as milestones in modern European literature and sees himself in the vanguard of those German and European writers that are set on conquering one of the most important bastions of British society: the British Sense of Humour itself. The Literary Battle of Britain is also an attempt to challenge the British and their sense of humour in the hope that there will be similar types of stories written by British nationals in German!


His texts are now also available in German.





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On behalf of the Hickling / Parsons family


When a German attacked our nation for fun

using rhymes and slick verses instead of a gun

we most kindly provided linguistic support

for in Britain we hate not to be a good sport!




Anne Parsons - the Author’s British Conscience


Anne Parsons met Rainer Triller in 1972 when he spent a holiday with her parents’ family. This first visit developed into a very close friendship, which has now lasted for more than 50 years.


Anne is married and lives in Bedfordshire. She worked for many years as a teacher. When Rainer started his latest books on Anglo-German relations and asked her if she could revise his texts, Anne very kindly offered her help and advised him on various aspects of British life and the English language.


The Literary Battle of Britain is the result of their good understanding and long-lasting friendship and is seen by both of them as a “serious” humorous contribution to further Anglo-German relations.




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